Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a single booking?
  • To make a single booking, select the time slot for the day & court and drag down to mutiple timeslots, depending on how long you want to book the court for.
  • Note: Time slots are in 30 minute segments so to book for 1hr 30 mins, drag the mouse over three timeslots.
  • In the 'Add Booking' dialog, enter a 'Name' for the booking e.g. "Jack Spratt" or "Junior Coaching"
  • Select the relevant 'Type' from the dropdown e.g. "Leisure" or "Adult Coaching"
  • Leave the 'Recurring' box unchecked if this is a one-off event. Click on the <Add Event> button.
How do I make a recurring booking?
  • To make a recurring booking, select the time slot for the day & court and drag down to mutiple timeslots, depending on how long you want to book the court for.
  • Note: Time slots are in 30 minute segments so to book for 1hr 30 mins, drag the mouse over three timeslots.
  • In the 'Add Booking' dialog, enter a 'Name' for the booking e.g. "Jack Spratt" or "Junior Coaching"
  • Select the relevant 'Type' from the dropdown e.g. "Adult Social" or "Adult Coaching"
  • Check the 'Recurring' box.
  • In the 'Number of Additional Weeks' field, enter the number of additional weeks that this booking should occur for e.g. if you want to book for 4 weeks in total, then set the 'Number of Additional Weeks' to 3 (the current booking being the first week). Click on the <Add Event> button.
Can I edit a booking?
- Only the user who created a booking can edit it.
- Only single event bookings can be edited. Recurring bookings cannot be edited.

To edit a booking, click on the booking and in the dialog that displays, click on the Edit button.
All fields can be edited, by clicking into them and making whatever changes are needed.
Click on the <Save> button.
How do I edit a recurring booking?
Recurring bookings cannot be edited. If you need to make changes to a recurring booking, you will have to delete it, and recreate it. Note: Deleting a recurring booking deletes all instances of the booking.
How do I delete an existing booking?
- Only the user who created a booking can delete it.
- If you delete a recurring booking, all instances of the booking are deleted.

Individual instances of a recurring booking cannot be deleted. To delete a booking, click on the booking and in the dialog that displays, click on the <Delete> button.
How to make bookings on a mobile/tablet device
On a mobile or tablet device, to make a booking, simply tap on a cell and hold, then drag down for the number of 30 minute time slots required.
What browsers are supported?
Mac OS: Safari, Firefox & Chrome
Win 10: Edge, Firefox & Chrome

Note: IE11 (Win 10) is not supported.